Di Fenza Designs

About Me

Hey! I’m Carmel.. I wanted to tell you a bit about me and why I have started this page. I think the main reason is to connect more with my followers and to share all those weird and wonderful thoughts that run through my head and what I find interesting and inspiring. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be writing my own blog, but I’m going to give it a shot. Where do I start.. 

As much as I love my friends and family and spending time with them, I also love my alone time. I do like my own company alot and maybe is the reason why I have always been into crafts because it is something I have done on my own for years even though I would talk about it with friends, we would do our projects separately. When I’m up in my workshop, away from the world and all its worries, I can just go into myself and bring out my creative hub losing myself in the process. I love this way of creating it has so much freedom and no retenses. Creating without the fear of failure or judgement, I feel I can be more adventurous and therefore more creative.

The biggest interest after jewellery design and crafting, would definitely be my garden. I started to garden about 12 years ago,starting off with a few pots and not getting far, killing them before the year was out. The next year I tried again, I bought grow bags with strawberries in them at a market, a few weeks caring for them waiting in anticipation for them to turn red and be ready and boy were they good, and so many too! I was hooked and from there, every year it grew, for the first few years I still wanted it to be pretty but as the years went by it turned more into a working garden and now I have barely enough room to lie out and sunbath, if I get the chance.

My garden isn’t so big and is completely concrete so I have over 100 pots and 4 raised beds, plus the green house. I mainly grow fruit like strawberries, raspberries and apples and salad like scallions, cucumbers and tomatoes.  I do a few things that last into the winter like leek carrots and beets too but I’m not a fan of gardening in the winter so I don’t do too many! I have a section for flowers too, can’t forget about the bees! My favourite plants are the weeping hearts plant and angel wings. I grow a plant called comfy and I make my own plant feed called comfy tea. That’s a whole blog on its own! It’s a lot of hard work and it doesn’t always work out but it’s so worth it. Having food that you know has no fertilisers or chemicals on them and it’s so fresh and tasty too!

My other big thing is animals, the love of my life is my 18 year old dog Jessie, I lost her brother Ben 2 years ago to liver failure ,Heartbroken was an understatement but I still had Jess and 2 years later she is still going strong for her age. She is so funny, I always said she must have been a cat in her past life, she is scared of her own shadow and happy out doing her own thing. I find it hard to go on walks without her as she is only able for a stroll around the block these days. Going to the beach or the park just isn’t the same without her. I remember having to leave Ben at home when he wasn’t well and that was so hard too.

I know the things I find interesting are not what you call the norm and you could probably say, are a bit weird, but that’s OK, I was never one to follow the norm. Basic Geometric shapes really do it for me, especially in repetition or patterns, I find it so esthetically pleasing to my eyes, the best example of this is manhole covers, that I have a bit of an obsession with. There are so many different patterns on some square and rectangular but mostly circular manhole covers , all owned by different companies to gain access to the sewers below. I just think it’s fascinating..Another one I like, that some do not, is buildings that have wierd or innovative architectural designs, some were built in the 1950s and were known as Brutalist Architecture and the other are contemporary architecture that can be seen built now. The clean lines and Geometric shapes are what attract me to them the most for sure but also the innovative designs and technology. But hey that’s just a snipits, I’ll go into more detail in future posts. So keep an eye out if you want to get an insight into the weird and wonderful thoughts inside my head.

Father's washing up with daughter on father's day after breakfast- fathers day gift blog

Father’s Day

Father’s Day Gifts challenges. What is the perfect Father’s Day Gift and the history behind how Father’s Day gifts came about. What is the perfect

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I have got a few raised eyebrows over the years when I tell people the fact that I like manhole covers! As ye know, I

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I always said if I was to ever build my own home, that I wouldn’t have a regular square or rectangular room in the house.

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